Natalie Portman returns as Miss Dior


Natalie Portman returns as Miss Dior in the last advert of the fragance. A beautiful and delicated spot directed by Sofia Coppola.
If I had to say something bad about it, It would be the music choice. We have heard “ La Vie en Rose” too many times, and I'm sure that Sofia Coppola knows how to find the perfect song for her work. Remember what she did with Marie Anttoinette BSO,  she mixed Indie music with the classic environment of the XVI century and It was brilliant!
Anyway, the campaign is perfect and Natalie Portman looks stunning wearing those Dior gowns.

Natalie Portman regresa como Miss Dior en el último anuncio de la fragancia. Un spot hermoso y delicado dirigido por Sofia Coppola.
Si tuviera que decir algo malo de él, sería la elección de la música. Hemos escuchado "La Vie en Rose" demasiadas veces, y estoy segura de que Sofia Coppola sabe cómo encontrar la canción perfecta para su trabajo. Recuerdo lo que hizo con Marie Anttoinette BSO, la música Indie mezclada con el ambiente clásico del siglo XVI fue genial!
De todos modos, la campaña es perfecta y Natalie Portman se ve impresionante llevando esos vestidos de Dior.

Enjoy it!


Kangaroo Court – Capital Cities
“I commit the crime of wasting time
Always trying to rhyme
Yes, I am guilty
But don't misunderstand me
I admit defeat, then I move my feet
My history will never be repeated
I won't ever be repeated

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