It’s finally here!
I’ve waiting two years for them, and It was worth it.  I do love Coming of Age, the first single of their upcoming album “Supermodel”, which will be out on March.
Although the single was released a few weeks ago I didn’t want to write about it until the video was out. So, today is the day.
Can’t wait for more!

¡Ya está aquí!
Les he esperado durante dos años y ha valido la pena. Me encanta “Coming of Age” el primer single del próximo album “Supermodel” que saldrá a la luz en Marzo.
A pesar de que el sencillo fue estrenado hace unas semanas, no quería escribir sobre él hasta que llegara su correspondiente video. Así que, hoy es el día!


“And you got those crying eyes
Makes me wanna surrender and wrap you in my arms
You know I try to live without regrets
I'm always moving forward and not looking back
But I tend to leave a trail of death while I'm moving ahead
And so I'm stepping away

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